Dear Friends,

Thanks for making my website so much fun for me. The stories and memories you've shared have been fantastic. Many of the personal appearances I made during the "Lassie" years are just a blur. There were so many and I was so young, it's hard for me to remember details. But you guys remember everything! I have received photos, videos, home movies and wonderful accounts from fans who have met me over the years. Many of these stories and photos will be in my autobiography -- with my fans named and quoted! I'm very excited about this aspect of the book. I don't know of another celebrity bio that has done this. So keep the memories coming when you sign the Guestbook. I promise I'll answer you!

My wife, Laurie is a writer and Hollywood historian. She has been working hard on my autobiography: TIMMY'S IN THE WELL -- The Jon Provost Story, tracking down all kinds of people from my past. Each person suggests another person we should talk to -- so it's taken longer than we expected. This summer, we've interviewed David Cassidy, Paul Petersen, Stan Livingston, Annie Lockhart, Bill Mumy, Jay North and more. Laurie even found one of my studio teachers who is 92 now and, lucky for us, sharp as a tack! Just wait until Laurie interviews Darlene Rettig, Tommy's wife. When the two Lassie boy wives get together, no telling what could happen!

My summer has been great. The kids are growing like weeds. Katie starts high school this year -- an "A" student, a cheerleader and a living doll. Ryan gets his driver's license in the fall (you've been warned). He's a junior in high school and has worked hard at two jobs all summer. He's a great kid.

The documentary I participated in: "Hollywood: Through the Eyes of its Children" has a new name: "CHILD STARS: Their Story". It airs for the first time on Labor Day, September 4th on A&E. Hope you have a chance to see it. Whenever I'm appearing on TV or in person, it will always be listed under Personal Appearances.

I've just added a second page to Recollections. I had a lot of requests for pictures of me as a teenager. Hope you enjoy them.

I've made many personal appearances throughout the year at autograph shows and have enjoyed meeting so many of you: Maryland, New Orleans, Houston, St. Louis, L.A. If there's an event you think I should know about or you're having an event you'd like me to visit, please let me know. And if you sign the Guest Book, I will contact you when I'm going to be in your area.

Speaking of appearances, I hope you've seen Laurie on TV in "Mysteries and Scandals" or "Biography", etc.

I'm looking forward to my end-of-the-summer camping trip with my family and friends: 4 adults and 12 kids. I don't know if my survival training covers this. If I'm not back by September 1st, send a search party!

That's it til the fall. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll visit often.

Best wishes,

Jon Provost

If you'd like Jon to appear at your event,
please contact:

Living Legends Ltd.
phone: 707 538-9893
fax: 707 538-9894
P.O. Box 5290
Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Click here to read a personal message from Jon.

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